Monday, January 19, 2015

DUI - Driving Under the Influence

Have you ever received a DUI or driven while under the influence of alcohol, but never been caught? If you are a female who has had more than one to two drinks before driving and a male who has had more than two to three drinks before driving than the answer is probably yes. In order to determine if you are unable to legally drive home you need to be aware of your BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration.  Since most people are not able to test their BAC, there is a chart based on your sex, weight, number of drinks and how many hours have passed to help you determine whether or not you should drive.

So what exactly is BAC?  Blood alcohol concentration measures how much alcohol is in your bloodstream. The amount of alcohol in the blood will affect a person's brain, body, and behavior. Pennsylvania's BAC was lowered from .10 to .08 in 2003.  So .08 is equal to 80mg% of alcohol in 100ml of a person's blood.

The cost of a DUI doesn't just affect the person that receives it, but is having a strain on our country and everyone in it.  Alcohol accidents do not target race, and are related to someone dying at least every 30 minutes.


Hartney, Elizabeth. (2014). About Health. What is bac (blood alcohol concentration)? Retrieved from

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Retrieved from


  1. That’s quite an informative table. Though the legal limit is .08 in many states but my friend who works with a Los Angeles DUI lawyer was telling me other day everyone’s body absorb alcohol different and there is no standard that you shouldn’t take that 4th pint.

  2. Thank you, Jennie! The best way to prevent a traffic accident is to know the reasons why they happen, be aware of the activities that precede it, and know the best way to avert such casualties. And yes, one good example of drunk-awareness is to know the levels before handling a wheel. Thank you for the post, however brief it may be, it gives the all-you-need-to-know about BAC. Good day!

    Stephanie Waters @ Chastaine Law

  3. Thank you for the information. I printed out the table and have it hanging on my refrigerator for the kids and their friends to see. I try to tell them one mistake could change their lives forever, I hope that your table will really help to open their eyes and spread the word about how little it takes to be legally in trouble.

    Kim Hunter @ KHunter Law

  4. As complicated as this table is, wouldn't it make more sense to just not drink when you have to get behind the wheel rather than having to make mathematical calculations to see how close you are under the limit? If more people were afraid to drink and drive because of still penalties, this chart would not be needed.
