Monday, January 19, 2015

More Alcohol for Poor Minorities

Studies have actually shown that liquor stores are on the rise in poor black neighborhoods. That means that the alcohol industry is relying on people with little money to spend it on their products.  Malt beverages are fairly cheap and can be obtained for less than a gallon of milk.  The increase of malt beverage sales has led to higher crime and more alcohol related problems in these already run down areas.

These areas also have higher unemployment rates and are filled with people that do not have health care and can not receive the proper treatment for alcohol related problems whether health related or not.  Alcoholism is a disease that can be cured, but not if the highest areas being affected also are the areas with the lowest amount of help available.  White rich people are the ones that take advantage of treatment facilities and get the help they need.  Many health care plans have treatment help written into their policies so if a worker is afflicted they can get help through their job.

How can we reduce alcohol abuse in low income areas and reduce the consumption?  The government is supposed to regulate the number of liquor stores, but some of these areas are reporting more liquor stores than churches. Where is the breakdown occurring?  When will low income communities stop being targeted?


deLuzuriaga, Tania (2008). Boston Globe. Alcohol more available in poor, black areas. Retrieved from alcohol_more_available_in_poor_black_areas/

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